Jennifer LAI Cing Yan 黎靖欣
簡介 Biography
Jennifer Lai Cing Yan was graduated from the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme, majoring in photography, co-presented by RMIT University and Hong Kong Art School in 2019. Jennifer was born and is currently living in Hong Kong. Her creative concept is strongly rooted from the local social context. “Art for Society’s Sake” is the core value in her art practices. Her intention is to arouse the awareness of public on different social issues. Through the presentation of her work, audiences were prompted with questions instead of deliberating a definite answer, providing a chance for audiences to reflect on themselves and widen their perspectives.
黎靖欣於二零一九年畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學及香港藝術學院合辦之藝術文學士課程,主修攝影。於香港出生及生活,她的創作理念建基於本土社會背景。 “藝術造就社會”是她藝術實踐的核心價值。 她的目的是喚醒公眾對不同社會議題的認知。 通過展示她的作品,向觀眾提出問題,為觀眾提供了一個反思自己並擴大視野的機會。
The use of derivative work with solely digital manipulation in my recent work allows me to break through the preconceived definition of photography, which does not necessarily have to be a work created by an artist or any use of a camera. The originality of an artwork should be identified by its idea. Besides, rather than limiting myself to a specific medium, I tend to consider different means for the best representations of my concept.
最近我的作品揉合了數碼產物,這使我一改對攝影先入為主的定義 — 攝影作品不一定是由藝術家或使用相機創作出來,作品的原創性應該由其概念來定義。此外,比起局限自己使用特定的媒介,我傾向選擇能夠表現我的想法的任何表達手法。
This project is an attempt to measure the meaning of a blank A4 paper by presenting its physical evidence through chemical reaction with sunlight.
Ideas can be visualized as words while words become tangible when they appear on the plane of paper. When expression is being suppressed, words can no longer be visible. Ideas are forced to be obscured.
If emptiness is always the absence of something. Being empty is relative to everything else. Thus, the blankness or voidness constitutes the absence of content. The meaning of a blank A4 paper should far exceed its inherent existence as a physical form.
這件作品運用藍印的原理試圖量度一張空白A4 紙的意義。到底一張簡單的A4紙能盛載什麼?
本屬無形的意念透過文字出現在紙張的平面上得以有形化 。但當表達的權利被壓制,文字也隨之取消,意念不被體現。
Emptiness is Always the Empty of Something
60 x 40 x 2 cm
Emptiness is Always the Empty of Something
13.5 x 20 x 1 cm