Edwin K. LAI 黎健強 x Drew PETTIFER
簡介 Biography
Edwin K. Lai is a Senior Lecturer and Subject Coordinator (Photography) at the Hong Kong Art School, and an internationally recognised scholar of Chinese and Hong Kong photography. He has published more than one hundred essays and articles, and his photographic works have been exhibited in the U.K., Japan and Hong Kong. Starting from 2008, Lai has curated a number of exhibitions about Hong Kong photography and art, including 'Imaging Hong Kong ' (2008), 'The Earliest Photographs of Hong Kong' (2010), 'Faking It' (2010), 'Post-Straight: Contemporary Hong Kong Photography' (2012), 'Colour Hong Kong 40s-60s' (2014), 'Twin Peaks: Contemporary Hong Kong Photography ' (2014), 'Rare Encounters: Nancy Sheung's Portraits of Hong Kong Women in the 1960s' (2015), and 'Synchronic' (2018).
Drew Pettifer is an Australian artist, academic, curator and lawyer. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Art at RMIT University and Program Lead of the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art), Hong Kong. Based in Melbourne, Pettifer is interested in photographic theory, sexuality, power, the archive and contemporary social politics. With a practice that often interrogates questions of social justice and social change, he works across photography, video, printmaking, performance and installation. He has held recent solo exhibitions in Perth, Melbourne, Taipei, and Tokyo and been included in group exhibitions in Melbourne, Sydney, Christchurch, New York, Berlin and Phnom Penh. In addition to his art practice, Pettifer also hosts the Australian contemporary art podcast FIELD WORK and regularly works as an independent curator and writer. His artworks are held in major public collections in Australia, including the National Gallery of Victoria, as well as private collections globally.
黎健強是香港藝術學院高級講師及攝影學科統籌,也是國際知名的中國及香港攝影學者。他曾經發表文章超過一百篇,攝影作品在英國、日本及香港展出。二零零八年起黎氏策展過多個攝影及藝術展覽,包括《影像香港當代攝影展覽》(二零零八)、《香港最早期照片1858-1875》(二零一零)、《藝術造假》(二零一零)、《後直:當代香港攝影》(二零一二)、《彩色香港 40s-60s》(二零一四) 、《屾:當代香港攝影》(二零一四) 、《珍影集:常惠珍鏡頭下的1960年代香港女性》(二零一五) 、《此時這地 ─ 香港學苑攝影》(二零一八)等。
Drew Pettifer是一位澳洲藝術家、學者、策展人及律師。他是澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學的講師及藝術文學士香港課程主任。Pettifer長居墨爾本,對攝影理論、性別、權力、檔案及當代社會政治感興趣。他的藝術經常詰問社會公義和社會變革等課題,媒介上跨過攝影、影片、版畫、表演及裝置。他最近在珀斯、墨爾本、台北及東京舉行了個人展覽,並在墨爾本、悉尼、基督城、紐約、柏林及金邊參與群展。除了從事藝術創作,Pettifer亦主持澳洲當代藝術廣播節目FIELD WORK,並定期擔任獨立策展人和作家。其作品為維多利亞國立美術館及全球私人收藏。
Art making is one of the artistic activities that I do: besides this I also teach, write, curate, watch and consume. My motivation for art making is not always the same: generally, it is my thoughts of and participation in the imaging world.
This collaborative project examines the notion of travel and location in the time of COVID-19. In recent decades, the movement of peoples has grown dramatically, with affordable air travel shrinking our sense of the globe and increasing our connection. At the same time, digital technologies have allowed for the interpenetration of space, with people communicating faster and more frequently and in increasing levels of detail. COIVD-19 has highlighted the impact of both of these issues. On the one hand, our physical movements have become more restricted as a result of this pandemic, emphasising just how much we rely on travel and movement. The corollary of this effect is that digital technologies are playing an increasing role in our connection to place and each other. For this project Lai and Pettifer engaged in acts that intersected digital and physical tourism, giving each other access to sites in their everyday lives using digital technology and documenting these encounters.
Interlocation I
Edwin outside the Royal Exhibition Building,
2 October 2020
Drew at the Lion Rock,
2 October 2020. Drew在獅子山,
80 x 50 cm/ each 件
2 pieces 共兩件